WARNING: She isn't to bright[m]

Svara had expected for Haku to kick out at her. She noticed then the hard time he was having breathing. Something in her had a slight saticfaction he got a taste of it, and another part of her didn't want him to be gasping for air. Soon enough the male had his air back. The force of which had had gotten her threw her back to the floor sufficently knocking her air out AGAIN. Gasping and trying to stop and let a small amount of oxygen seep in, Svara watched. Her plan had worked. The blood had blinded him giving Leroy a chance to leave. She saw him look over his shoulder at her before he left, a slight smirk pulled her lips, and the air returned to her lungs.

Letting her head fall on the floor Svara knew it was her turn. Getting up slowly she moved towards the bed and grabbed the sheet, moving towards Haku slowly from behind. As quickly as she could she brought the cloth to his eyes from behind trying to help get the blood out of his eyes. She was sure he would throw her off for her efforts, but Svara was just trying to help. She had screwed up and neither of the males had deserved this.


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