A wolf in sheep's clothing
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... banner.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

I’m assuming that he’s in his Optime form? ^=^ If not, I’ll just be ambiguous in this first post, just in case.

Cwmfen had left the boarders and the lands of Dahlia de Mai once more. But she had the intent, this time, to study the land to the east and north of the pack. She was not wandering aimlessly that day, for she had the purpose of understanding the topography neighboring her packland. As the Head Warrior of Dahlia de Mai, the black fae felt that it would be inappropriate if she did not know the lands in which she may one day fight. Because the warrior wished to serve her pack well, to be able to protect Dahlia should her services be required, the woad marked female was ever diligent in her studies of war. Indeed, war required tactics and skill in battle, but what use where they if the footing was unknown. The luperci had a mind to fix the flaws of her character, and she considered this to be one such flaw. Thus, she was out in the world once more, and her eyes were sharp as she drank in her surroundings.

It was still morning, but she had started upon her sojourn before the sun had mounted the horizon and such travels stimulated her appetite. As she made her way through the lands, the black fae opened her senses. And, in these lands, it was not long before the scent of a rabbit caught her attention. So, for a moment at least, the female digressed from her travels to take up the hunt of a small snack. Her feet fell silently as she made her way carefully but swiftly through the trees. The small creature was not far, and as the scent grew stronger, she slowed her pace and was especially careful in her step. Carefully, the black fae poked her maw through the dead trees as she watched the thing that would be her snack with a killer’s intensity.

As she leapt through, the rabbit was already gone, for only a moment before, another had leapt for the same meal. She came up short, nearly colliding with the other form as she turned her body away. Any collision had been successfully avoided save for the light brushing of her fur against the other. Turning about immediately, the female’s white eyes beheld the other. She found that it was a male, slightly taller than her but clearly built. His scent held no trace of any particular pack or clan, but there was something foreign about it as well, as if he had only just arrived in the area. The grey male had been hunting her quarry as well, and she thought that, had he not, she would have been able to catch that meal. But she would not hold that against him. Instead, the female gave a quick smile saying, "Forgive me," in her alto melody. She lingered there, as if she needed to wait for the male’s forgiveness before she pursued the hare. And though it was already long gone, her body bid her to follow it.


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