A wolf in sheep's clothing
Oh, sorry! No, Brennt always goes around on four legs, though he can shift if he sees others doing it. For the most part, he dislikes shifting. Their fight can be shifted if you'd like. I'll play it as if they're on four legs, and if she starts shifting, he will subconsciously begin his own in reaction, kay?

The appearance of the female had been unexpected. The sharp scent of pine needles and the dampening effect they had on sound explained why the two hadn't sensed one another earlier, though it took him a moment to register this. His hackles settled down. It was not someone from his former pack. Even if it was, that would be alright. Pallok had probably been the best fighter there, short of the alpha, and Olric wouldn't abandon his packland to come after the younger male. Especially not with the phantom lack of confidence that had peaked out each time Brennt failed to follow orders immediately. Olric was a better fighter than Brennt, but he wasn't sure of that, which was almost as good as it not being true in the first place.

No, this female was dark, and she had strange, alluring lines all over her body. The lines were strokes where her fur ran blue instead of black, a wholly unnatural and intriguing color for a female to be. Brennt didn't cross-examine this observation, that it should have been an intriguing color for any wolf to be, not just a female. The lines accentuated the curvature of her upper legs, and drew his attention to her face and shoulders. He didn't say anything for several heartbeats, drinking in her sweet voice, the voice whose intricacies some primitive part of his brain delved into, drawing hungry observations from both its differences and similarities to Fern's voice.

"That's okay." Brennt said simply. He had never seen a girl quite like her before. In his birth-pack, he had felt bad about feeling anything towards the girls there because they had been friends of his mothers', even the one who was closer in age to himself. It felt wrong to feel anything about them, they spent time with his mother, and he had tried hard not to think too much about them, at least when his mother was near. The second pack he'd been to only had Fern and Hylfi to look at, and Fern liked Pallok, and Hylfi was older and mated with Olric. He had tried to mate with Fern, with Pallok dead she would have no males to turn to, but that hadn't worked. Maybe this girl would like him better, or at least know how it was supposed to work and not run or yelp and think he was trying to hurt her. Still...just to be safe, he decided, in his slow and meandering way, that he should talk to her a little longer to let her know he was friendly before trying to move things forward.

"I forgive you. I wasn't hungry, so it's no problem." Hopefully, being nice would help keep things going nicely. She was very interesting, both to look at and to hear, and to smell, because she had the smells of an entire group of people he'd never met before. Vaguely, he wondered if there were other blue-patterned girls where she came from, but that thought was pushed away. Brennt was not much for planning ahead as he was for seizing the moment. He would get this girl to like him. After all, maybe she was the only one, and if he waited too long, there might be other people like Pallok around here for her to get interested in. Males who were handsomer, smarter, leaner and sleeker than he was. Males who made him look bad. Males who made him feel stupid, and ugly, and slow. Males who made him angry, and feel like poison inside. No. She was being nice to him. He would be nice back, and maybe things could work out before another Pallok stepped in to make it all go bad again.

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