[J]ust sit back relax, Sit back

BOO!! and lol this post sounds like Charlie Crews from "Life" narrated it. XD

Haven Manor. Husk liked the name of it. It was a good name. He liked names. Good ones too. He looked at the meat Anu had in her hand. It looked dry and icky. He hoped she at least was going to cook it. He looked away fro it, just staring made it look disgusting. She then put it his hand. He looked at it, a diguised frown on his face. "I'm gonna cook this first." He slid off the chair at the counter and moved to the stove. He got out a pan and put the meat in it. "I hope you don't mind? I tend to like cooked things."

She mentioned that this wasn't just a "hang out place. Everyone here did something. "I know what you're saying. You want to know what I could do as a job." He smiled and laughed. "I knew that was coming. For one I can cook." He notioned to him with the stove on and the meat cooking in the pan. "I read some spare books I found at a ruined city I believe was called "Montreal" I also played with some guns and firearms, but i don't think there are any parts here." He watched the meat continue to bubble on the old stove.


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