[J]ust sit back relax, Sit back

Easing her search as he walked to the cooking fire and starting the embers and setting the meat above it, Anu realized how at ease he truly was. Instead of trying to make him feel welcome she leaned against the counter crossing lean arms against her chest, eyes always watching. A smile drifted to her face, and she listened with interest. Checking off the positive qualities as he spoke. They needed a cook, though she knew Nani cooked well enough. They could still use one though, there were so many other things their leader could be doing instead of slaving over the stove. Reading was good, though many other pack already knew how to. Anu was lacking in the talent, but she had yet to find it a handicap.

Firearms. The idea was foreign but there were other questions that had to come first. What of your face? it was strait forward, but it was something she needed to know about. He looked like a fighter, and the scars were certainly proof of it. Though she didn’t always mean to be so abrupt, I mean, do you have a short temper? it was more polite question, even if still blunt. To pass her, she would have to trust him and know that he wouldn’t cause the pack any trouble.


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