There is a time for everything
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She knew it was unkind, the words she had shared and the words spoken back, but Adelaida did not care. Alexey and Sankor would probably disapprove, the former apparently a friend of Firefly and the latter too kind for his own good at times, but Adelaida did not let her siblings’ imaginary voices surface this time. Instead she smiled and laughed, forgetting Mew’s unnatural body and the strange contraption. Adelaida could look past that, if it meant finding an ally against the uptight and cruel female. "I’m glad to hear it’s not just me she picks on..." Adelaida hadn’t though it was, but she also hadn’t though that any of the established members of the pack would be on her side. Firefly had seemed so sure of herself, and now Adelaida knew that she had a false confidence. Anyone with more than one enemy in the pack should act so high and mighty.

"Your brother is the father of her... children?" Or unfortunate spawn, but Adeladia did not voice the unkind thought. Mew might not care for the female, but the unborn nieces and nephews were another story all together. And Adelaida had threatened the lives of them, but that too she did not share. She had not meant it, not truly, and the thought of those words now sickened her. Yet Firefly had pushed her, and kept pushing her, and Adelaida did and said a lot of regrettable things when pushed too far. "Who is your brother?"


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