tell me something sweet to get me by
They don't tell you what to say
when your whole life has gone to hell.

Val looked to DaVinci with wide eyes as he described his home, and she wanted desperately to go there. It sounded wonderful – much better than Inferni. There wasn’t much within the clan’s borders to really take the girl’s breath away, except for the mansion. And her breath wasn’t robbed out of beauty, but rather terror.

DaVinci’s words didn’t console her, and she instantly sunk to the ground, hoping somehow that would allow her to escape her mother’s wrath. She had been warned not to talk to strangers, but yet she had deliberately disobeyed. Her imagination wandered as she searched for a plausible punishment her mother might enact upon her.

Ryan tried not to bite her lip, and looked down to her daughter for the first time after having wandered over. "It’s alright, Val," she told her now, realizing the child was aware she had gone against Ryan’s word. She looked back to the steel boy before her, and tried to put forward a smile. For a lack of better words, she said to him, "This is Valkyrie, my daughter." The words having left her lips, she felt stupid. Obviously DaVinci was aware who this child was, but Ryan wasn’t sure how she could express her feelings. She wanted him back, of course, but she didn’t think it would be right to try and do that now. Especially not with Valkyrie here. And besides, she wasn’t even sure if he wanted her anymore. She couldn’t blame him if he didn’t.


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