[J]ust sit back relax, Sit back

I’m going to have Erin bring Savina in soon…

She was sure that he had been questioned about it all in the past. Anu just stood against the counter, taking in the story and hoping to read the undertone. All of the key notes overshadowed that fact that he was truly missing half a face. But it explained the mask, which was certainly odd, as well as the eye situation. Though it was the somehow that brought on more questions, though she kept her tongue still until he was finished.

He would get questions, being the new kid with all the problems. The pups would be curious and she could bet that Mati would have to ask about it or die trying no to. He would get the stares, as she had given them. It was something he would have to deal with, and not having a short temper would help with all that. Anu even had a hard time not pitying him as he spoke. “You might not get all the silence your looking for around here. We have four talkative pup running around.” Pausing Anu took in the scent of the cooking meat, ”Though, for some reason I don’t see you having much of a problem with all that.” He might just scare their mouths shut.

And it certainly smells like you can cook.


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