Future Foe Scenarios
Lannen snapped his mouth shut to keep from using some choice words when the male turned on him balefully. He had been making a conscience effort not to go off the deep end in the verbal department, mindful of the fact that there were young pups present in his new home. He didn't want any of Tayui Aston's pups repeating four letter words sweetly to momma then pointing tiny fingers at the male. That'd really throw off his groove. Revising some of his vocabulary would be worlds easier than getting back into her good graces, he was sure.

Still, this young man was really crossing a line. Lannen had been coming forward, sure, but he hadn't laid a hand on the guy. What the fuck? Lannen wasn't into this touchy feely bullshit. The little punk was really asking for it now.

"It is a pity your dad's dead, junior,"" Lannen said, practically spitting the last word. "Somebody forgot to teach you manners." He grabbed the male's black furred hand roughly and jerked it away from his shoulder, twisting his arm. That'd teach the whelp to lay hands on him.

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