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Just one, trembling word for Savina was all it took to break the ice that had grown over her heart. She felt it shatter and fall to the ground like so many pieces of glass. It was easier to be cold than to allow herself to feel the intensity of her sorrow, but she swallowed it all done. Savina deserved no less than her honesty. Both in words and in feelings. She had been there from the very beginning. She had seen Geneva at her lowest point and had found it in her heart to call her a friend. Geneva could do no less now.

When Savina took that hesitant step forward, Geneva took another to meet her. She reached out to nuzzle her friend's face softly, pulling back to look at her. There weren't tears in her eyes, but her sadness was evident. This was something she had to do, no matter how her head cried out against it. She looked Savina squarely in the face. "Listen to me, this is not your fault."

She could see the self blame forming on the pregnant wolfess's face. This was a delicate situation, and Savina, with all her strength, was delicate too. It was important to Geneva that Savina knew that her decision to leave had nothing to do with Savina, and everything to do with her own weaknesses. "Savina, things with Anu...between she and I...have escalated. The feelings are strong. And to stay here - it would tear me apart. It would tear everyone apart."

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