i prefer moths rather than butterflies
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v222/ ... table2.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

It had been almost a spur of the moment thing, having chosen Dawali for a position of the council. Often it took weeks of deliberation in the council to appoint a new member, but in the transition from their last home to their current one, the council had been lost and Ayegali had been alone in her leadership. Her choice had been a wise one, it seemed, and she took relief in knowing that. "He does well around here." Even after everything that had happened.

The raven Kalona frowned just a bit at Catherine's words, though the frown didn't stay for long. She tried to look reassuring, despite it having been quite some time since she had tried to offer anyone comfort. "That's not entirely true." She reassured the woman, smiling now. "You're my family now, at least I consider you such, as does everyone else here." And in family, the little things didn't matter. They didn't judge, hold grudges, and were quick to forgiveness. "We're your family, you've always got us now, as well as Saw." And the spirits were some of the greatest family members that they could have.


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