Round two

Whinnie sat down with the dagger she had and a peice of wood and some animal gut dried and pulled into string. The bow was almost finished being carved out, the thing was tall along three and a half feet. Admiring the beautiful peice of work, whinifred moved her hand over the smooth wood with the wolves carved out of it's thick side. Whinifred grinned and leaned back against the tree she had taken the wood from. merci mon ami pour ce don She said to the tree who had given her it's limb.

After petting her new weapon Fred took the dagger and went about carving arrows out of other peices of wood she had. She stopped when the smell of something familiar reached her nose. More like someone familiar. A mischivious grin pulled on the french womens face. Grabbing her bow and the arrows she had finished whinifred slung the bow on her shoulder and held the small amount of arrows. She moved out from the trees and saw him. Lysander sat in the front of his cabin. The french women just stood there short and curvy watching him from beside a tree.

The strawberry blonde girl watched him dust his coat off and look at the sky. She knew he wouldn't notice her over here. The breeze was in her favor, drifting his scent towards her and hers away from him. The last time she had seen him had been at the pack meet and he hadn't really given her much notice. Though Fred hadn't expected much better out of him. After a time she watched him retreat back into his dwelling. Whinifred knew she would have to keep this cabin in mind when it came to Lysander. Pulling her bow up higher on her shoulder Whinnie grinned almost deviously and made her way towards that cabin.

It was a beautiful day. The grass was lush under her feet as she moved. Her blonde hair swaying as she walked, brushing her hips and lower back every time she took a step. Once she made her way to the cabin Fred could smell him even more. Her hand went to the bracelett around her left wrist. She had put it on after the pack meeting. Moving to the cabin she went to the door and thought about knocking but didn't instead she went inside. In the cabin it was empty of furniture making Whinifred raise her eye brow. Why didn't he have......She stopped in her thought process when she saw him sleeping on the floor. It was amazing how vunrable people looked in their sleep.

vous montrez votre vrai visage quand les yeux sont fermés Fred whispered under her breath. Moving towards him she kneeled down to the ground and set her bow and arrows down gently before letting her hand move forwards to his face moving it through his soft fur. He wouldn't like this she was sure. He was a guarded character, one with games and many faces. She knew his type, but he was unique and he intruiged her, and maybe he also turned her on.


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