A wolf in sheep's clothing
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... banner.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Sorry for the wait! And I don’t mind keeping them in lupus form, OuO It actually works out better, hahah. She likes her lupus form better anyway, ^=^

The larger wolf before her seemed agitated, and she took in the raised hackles with a wary gaze. But it seemed that her unaggressive behavior eased him, as well as the recovery from the shock of the sudden appearance, and his fur relaxed upon him. Her own muscles, which had been quivering with anticipation, relaxed and were still. He was silent after she spoke, and, while she was eager to continue her pursuit, or at least search for another snack, she remained. It would be disrespectful to leave so suddenly, she felt, especially when she appeared to be the perpetrator of such an incident. She had been the second to make the leap, and so it would only be proper for her to take up the blame—if it could be called that—in this matter. The she wolf shifted, her back legs turning her body so that she faced the grey, golden-eyed male directly.

He told her that it was okay, and then, after a few more moments, that he forgave her. The black female couldn’t help but smile at the simplicity of his response. It seemed so innocent and yet so appropriate for him to respond with ‘I forgive you’. And then she laughed quietly, and it was not a mocking sound, but a sound like water bubbling across polished rocks in the golden light. "I’m glad that you hold no grudge against me." The white eyes smiled as she met the yellow gaze directly. She had no challenge within that gaze, only curiosity, for she was curious about the manner of this wolf. His words showed simplicity and innocence, and yet the female could not believe that this creature could be so, for the world did not allow for such existences.

The woad banded maw twitched as she scented the air. "You don’t hail from any pack," the alto melody stated quietly. "Where are you from?" Then her body made as if to move but hesitated, as if considering her options. But finally she let herself be quieted, and she took up a sitting position. Perhaps she would stay. While the male was not hungry, she was. But her hunger was also not great, and she suffered no great loss from this failed hunt. She could always pursue another at a later time. And there was nothing quite so pressing. The land would not move and would wait for her to continue. It was always useful to meet the wolves if only to assess whether they were a threat or not, a friend or a foe.

"I am Cwmfen nic Graine, Head Warrior of Dahlia de Mai, " she said in introduction, and the smooth, alto melody danced quietly upon the air. She let her rank remain anonymous and presented only her profession and the lands from which she hailed. At least this loner would know what manner of wolf he dealt with. It was clear that she required his name in return, even as she continued. "Do you reside in an abode nearby or are you passing through?"


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