I am your heavy eyelids
'S cool! :]

Barthélémy was trying so very hard to try and communicate with the other creature, but the coyote was obstinate. He wouldn't listen. Barthélémy could see understanding dawn as he began to explain the difference between you and me, but once he tried to form a simple sentence, he could see it had been all for naught. The coyote seemed to be growing angrier with the second, and Barthélémy was concerned he might become one of the corpses lying on the ground. He inhaled quickly. He did not want to be a dead corpse. He liked being alive, thankyouverymuch. But he could not be certain if remaining here was in his best interest. Barthélémy was beginning to grow afraid.

He let out a short yelp as he felt the male bump into him, then felt the whoosh of air as the coyote moved closer to snap his jaws. Barthélémy could hear the sound as fangs collided, could smell the coyote's breath all over him. The coyote said something -- something foul -- so Barthélémy turned and ran. He tripped over the step on his way out, but did not stop or slow down. He ran, never once looking back, not wanting to know if there was a coyote running after him.


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