stone the crow

Your set is gorgeous Smile
Word Count: 587

Strong muscles flexed beneath Dawali's thighs as the horse he sat on jumped over a log, a tree which had at some point died and fallen onto the path he was now riding along. It could have been a storm, and it could have been time that had claimed the life of the tree, but it was not large - thus young - so a storm, or even an animal, was more likely. The red wolf was collecting pieces of wood, and so far he had found quite a few that were sticking out of the leather satchel on the side of the steed. The uses of these sticks were many, and he was collecting them somewhat at random, for he needed both new tools, new weapons, more firewood and several larger pieces to repair his home. He had been lazy, truly, this winter, and now he was making an effort to make up for it. His hammer had bit the dust the other day when he had attempted to repair that leaking roof of his, and since spring was truly at work soon, and with the beginning of the windy moon soon at hand, he would not trust it to hold against any possible rain showers. Thus; a hammer was greatly needed! And why not gather other things while he was at it? Others in the tribe would probably need firewood and new tools and the like as well, so there was no problem in gathering too much. For his own safety's sake he had brought his bow as well, the horse he sat on was sometimes nervous, and if a deer approached them it would likely react violently, and Dawali would, carnivore or not, need means to protect himself - and the horse. This was still unlikely, and the bow was lightly strapped horizontally across the horse's back, quiver on his own back, its strap crossing his chest from left shoulder to right hip. It was a fine day, and the horse seemed happy enough (some of them did not like him at all, and this one was the moody kind). Whistling as he rode along he was contemplating dinner and looking out for promising vegetation to put into his satchel.

Just as the horse challenged - and won - another obstacle, the male noticed through the vegetation, and against the lightness of old snow and newish snow all mixed together, a dark figure of a wolf. A few sharp sounds escaped his throat and a pat in the right place on the horse's back made it change directions, and together the two creatures moved slowly, at a calm walk, towards the figure. Dawali sensed no smell other than that of a stranger - in other words the person was part of their pack, he had simply failed to acquire this knowledge. It could also just be Ember, and his eyes playing tricks, but although the person smelled of the other gender, she did not smell of Ember. Soon enough he would find out who she was, the mystery would unfold, and perhaps he could be of use to her. The horse gave a snort as he commanded it to halt a few meters away from the ebony femme. Skillfully, he stepped down, one leg swinging gracefully over the back of the creature, meeting the other on the other side, and together the feet landed with ease on the ground. They had done it countless times before. Hiya! I'm Dawali - you're new around here, yes?

Awesome sexy table and avatar by Kat! Big Grin


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