she's a predator posing as a house pet

I refuse to fill out your joiner information. :|

     The decision had been made with a great deal of hesitation. Aurèle had managed to survive four winters on her own, and while she was still in her prime, she also recognized that this was costing her. The majority of her mass had been lost, leaving her underweight for her size. While the thick arctic coat did well to hide most of this, late and night when she sat up alone she felt the reminders. Her thoughts would eat her away long before her survival skills failed her. Each time she made a kill she saw the bodies and—
     Cold reason shut her thoughts off behind metal walls, and she blinked. The last time she had been on AniWaya’s territory it had been in the company of her sister. Now she was alone, sitting on the damp earth and well aware that this was perhaps the wrong choice. It had to be made, however. There was no formal call for her sister, no reason to do so. Someone, she was sure, would find her. Things always worked out like that.


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