A wolf in sheep's clothing
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Why? OuO It’s okay, heheh

The woad banded ears twitched. Nowry Village was not something that she found to be familiar, nor was its descriptor of ‘a pack that lives in wooden houses’. The warrior never understood the human concept of building things, and she never would. She knew that their edifices littered the landscapes as the earth slowly reclaimed itself, and occasionally such things provided shelter from the whether. But the female was uncomfortable with many of the human remains, almost hating them, and lived as a wolf with a den dug from the earth. The only useful things that the humans had left behind were their swords and bows and knives. But even the warrior refrained from using these things often. Indeed, when she held a weapon, its song flowed through her like no other song would or could. But the war song of her own body was far greater, and she took pride in her martial skill.

"Brennt?" The female repeated his name aloud. "It’s a pleasure," she continued, as if knowing his name required a new greeting on her part. She wondered, however, at his inflection, or lack there of. And, now that she observed him meticulously, she thought that there was something...strange about this male. And yet, there was no immediate thread displayed by his body or betrayed by his eyes, just a mild curiosity or interest. And indeed, she saw that, in the silence, his gaze had drifted and was still drifting over the details of her form. The woad warrior’s culture did not frown on promiscuity, and the proud female let his eyes satisfy their curiosity. But she did not think that there was much to behold, for many did not find her mixed blood to be beautiful. She thought that perhaps her woad caught the males’ attentions, and so this males, Brennt’s, attention as well. And there was no open desire in the gaze that she could see, but she knew the hungers of men and kept that in mind. When he took that step closer, the black fae did not recoil. She did not have anything to fear. Yet.

A light smile graced her maw. He used such simple diction. Perhaps this male was only capable of such things, but that did not bother the female. Every creature had their strengths and weaknesses. "It’s all in technique," the female responded quietly. She did not wonder why he asked such a thing, for often it was quite true that the small were conquered. But many did not know how to use their strengths and weaknesses. That was why she was constantly practicing, for even one error in a calculation could be fatal. And as a female, she had to be careful of such things. The male before her was larger and physically would be able to easily overtake her. But she was a warrior and trained for such things, and she would find a way about that. She shifted on her paws as her white eyes met his yellow gaze. "Technique is important for someone like me. I don’t have your strength as an advantage." The latter was more of a clarifying statement, for many often forgot the differences between the genders and even individuals.


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