A wolf in sheep's clothing
Her smile and softening voice confirmed it. Fern sometimes spoke more softly when she thought she was alone with Pallok, it was something women did sometimes, though Cwmfen's voice didn't sound as playful yet as Fern's, he suspected that she was just less sure of herself. For all of Fern's shortcomings, she knew she liked Pallok. It made sense. Pallok was handsome and brave and he talked better than Brennt did. Maybe it wasn't as easy to like Brennt? He was prepared to accept that, if a girl was willing to try. And she hadn't shied away yet, so he thought: certainly, she was willing to give him a chance. She smiled when he talked, when Fern only ever grimaced. His mother had not liked his speech, either, nor had Olric, though Olric had been more patient than Fern, and had never made fun of him as Pallok had.

For all his size, Brennt was not slow in his movements. He stepped forward again, casually and smoothly, not too fast, lest she fear an attack. No, he did not want to hurt her, nor to be hurt, he wanted the same thing he had wanted from Fern, but Cwmfen was better than Fern, because she didn't hate him for not being Pallok. No, he sought to nuzzle the side of her neck. A gentle and caring gesture, which he had seen Olric doing with Hylfi, and Pallok occasionally with Fern. It was something that all lovers did, and something that soon-to-be lovers did sometimes, too, and there was no better way to let her know he liked her and to make her comfortable with touching him than to do something that girls liked as much as this. Olric he had always thought was better at it than Pallok, but he generally thought Olric was better at everything than Pallok, except for not being afraid, which was true only in regards to Brennt, where Olric saw something dangerous and Pallok saw something stupid.

The moment that he moved in was slower in his mind than it was in real time. He could smell her, pheromones wafting in through his nostrils, he could see and smell the blue paint accentuating her body, he could hear her breathing and her soft, pretty voice, that could talk so much better and smoother and faster than his could. He thought he could feel her mind, too, and sense her heartbeat, thudding rhythmically within her, smaller than his, but better because it was hers. Her mind, which was faster and smarter than his, which knew bigger words and how to say them just right to make her sound even smarter, and everything about her and about what he wanted from her was right and his body told him it was what he was supposed to do. Hers must surely be telling her the same thing.

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