is it bright where you are?
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He was truly unique. Such a thing would have been obvious to any older wolf, who had more world experience then Mati. But she was just entering that world, blossoming and joining those that explored the reaches of the earth. She was new, and with the came questions that needed answers. Like; Was it always cold, or was there something different? What did an apple taste like? (And the ever pertinent) Where did puppies come from? She just didn’t know, and many of the answers she sought would only come by experience, like the one she was involved in at the present time.

She shook her head. No. her answer was simple, though she wanted to tell him why. Sometimes she believed that if she didn’t talk about it, and then she would have to think about it. And then it wouldn’t be true, and there wouldn’t be the confusion. But it felt wrong to leave him with a one-word answer, Mati always hated those. She always wanted a reason so she would give him one too. I met my father there. her eyes lay on the iced lake, its blue and white surface glistening in the sun’s light. He didn’t seem right. Mati wasn’t even sure what being right was, but there was something about the male that was just wrong.

You can’t find the colors you can find here. Lavender eyes looked at him, back to her usual pleasant mood. A smile crossed her face before looking back to the scene mother nature had created for them.


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