A wolf in sheep's clothing
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Cwmfen heard his approach. At first, she thought that he may have been attacking, indignant for her gentle refusal. But the sounds of his advance were not that of one enraged. To the contrary, he was eager, excited. He was preparing to mount her. She was caught off guard, surprised once more by the measures she believed him to be taking. The black fae believed that she had given him ample warning, both verbal and non-verbal. She had told him of her profession, a warning of what she could do. She had moved away from him, and smiled her apology, and had kept her tail down. And perhaps it was unfair. Perhaps she had turned and that had been the mistake. But she had realized too late this fact for, having realized that she had never used her lupus form for such acts, instinct had forgotten to remind her of such details of love making. Perhaps it was unfair because she had tainted the physical message of rejection. But the warrior could not ignore his advance, could not tolerate it, for she had not given him permission for such contact.

She barked her surprise as he attempted to mount her, and she struggled to free herself from his eager grasp. But he was most definitely stronger, and she scarcely escaped the arms about her hips and his hungering loins that sought her flower. But it was almost as if he had not registered that she had not offered herself to him, for his body retained that prior quality. But his gentleness had gone, and she would have bruises there where she had slipped from his grasp. She took several quick steps forward before she quickly turned upon her hind legs. The black female was angered, or perhaps indignant by his advances, and she lunged at him, snapping her jaws inches from his face. A warning. And this time, she hoped that he could see it, for she did not want to hurt him. And she was beginning to realize now the barrier of his mind. As she returned to the earth, the female took several steps back, but her face was strangely calm. Only her hackles and the quite growl that pulsated in her throat betrayed her indignation.

Perhaps she would have been less angered if this was not all too familiar. But her father, the crow wolf, had given her that warning seven moons ago, and her mind did not forget easily. It had only been the illusion of rape, but she knew that if he were to find her, the next time there would be no illusion. And Brennt’s desires and attempt to satisfy it had brought up that memory that so festered within her soul. Her growling breath was almost labored, but it was thick with her anger that she could let this happen to herself. And she was only sorry that this simple male had to suffer for his beautiful simplicity. The female’s woad marked tail lifted up in challenge as she dared him to advance. Perhaps he would learn how a little person fights a bigger person.


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