Round two

Whinnie knew when he had had enough of her because he grabbed her arm and was pushing her towards the door. Growling lightly she pulled out of his hold and went back into the cabin to retrieve the bow and arrows she had brought with her. Leaning down to the ground she stopped when she heard the creak and hollow sound of wood beneath her feet. Curious Fred leaned down farther but instead of grabbing her bow she pressed down on the floor board. She wasn't going to prey but it still surprised her, grabbing her bow and the arrows she walked back to his side.

Winifred let her eyes move up to him. Truthfully she wished it hadn't been him that had been her first. He was so complicated in his way of thinking she wasn't ultimately sure how to approach him on the subject. If anything the french women didn't want to be told she hadn't been worth his time, what women wanted to hear that? Expecially from their first! "I'm sorry if I didn't.....give you something in return. I will know what to expect next time." Weather her next time was with him or not wasn't part of her meaning, only that she would know how to react next time she did get a chance. Remembering the bracelet on her wrist Whinnie put her bow on her shoulder and removed the piece. Handing it to him she spoke. "You left it amour." Once he took it she planned on leaving, maybe finding a deer to shoot down.


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