coat-hanger halos

cakeBane listened with patience, calm and quiet as he normally was. This fellow seemed even-tempered and open-minded enough to at least attempt to understand someone else’s beliefs, which was something the dark wolf could respect. It was a tad hypocritical of him; in some ways he was as closed-minded as the religious zealots who had taken from him his freedom and given him his soul. Lubomir was a wolf, therefore automatically worth listening to, at least to some extent. Bane got the impression that while the Dahlia wolf didn’t quite believe what he was hearing from his companion, he didn’t quite strongly believe anything himself, no thoughts that were solid or set in stone. This wasn’t uncommon.

cake"There is a reason for everything, Mr Varg; your family’s lessons were learned and so they were taken. Yours were still to be taught. To assume you haven’t learned anything is underestimating yourself. Tough love, it’s made you who you are; it’s made all of us who we are.” This he was certain of. Bane wasn’t the type to waver. On anything. "These are things that sentient minds apply to the unknown to attempt to understand. God is neither human nor wolf. Neither are we, for that matter, beyond this life we are meant to live.” He was smiling now, curiously. "What do you believe happens to the dead?”


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