A wolf in sheep's clothing
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... fenban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">


Her white teeth caught his flesh, and they were merciless in their hunger. But the grip was fleeting and she drew blood only once before her jaws snapped in the air like the clap of the wind as it rushed to fill the void of a lightning’s strike. Her snarl was the roll of thunder before her body hit the hard earth. The shock of the impact was lessened by her manipulation of the brute’s momentum. His jaws snapped before her as she pressed her head pack into the wall of the earth that caught her body, but those jaws missed their quarry as he was sent above her. Nevertheless, the brute of soot had a strength not lost upon her as his forepaws pushed into her chest, pressing the air from her lungs as the claws ripped into her flesh. As he left her, the air rushed back in, and her wild snarls were interrupted in the painful intake of air. And despite this, the female was already moving, having risen even before she could see. And the warrior turned immediately to face the attacker, her breathing labored slightly by her efforts.

The white orbs, wide in their aggression, beheld the fallen creature. And the warrior did not move in for the kill. The trees whispered with the movement of his fall, and the scent of his blood lingered in the air, mingling with the fresh scent of pine. And her ears twitched at the sound of his whimpering. It was not hesitation that stilled her, nor compassion. Perhaps it was some chivalrous belief in the more human parts of the luperci’s mind that bid her wait. To wait until he had risen to face her.

But then silence fell, and rising he turned to face her. Only a single eye was lit in his face, and she saw a strangeness there. That natural deprivation, that natural barrier, was gone, and in its place was an unmistakable clarity. And yet, there was something quite different in the being that stood before her. And with that clarity, the white orbs peered into his soul, but there was nothing. Or was there? It was neither human nor lupine. It was something...something like her father, she concluded with a finality. She understood this creature for what it was, but she did not understand his intent. There was a different wheel turning in that brute’s mind. But to what end? Was it to kill her? To rape her? She did not know. But the warrior would permit none.

Cwmfen knew that she must be careful. This creature would know precision more acutely than the Brennt of before. But as she moved to attack, there was no fear in her. She held within her only the fire of her resolute acceptance of this challenge. A snarl louder than the others burst forth as her legs threw her into action. The pure white orbs never left the other’s face as she used her peripheral. The black warrior threw herself directly at the stranger before her. Just as the hotness of his breath was felt upon her bared jaws, she turned with great agility and ease to the right, using the temporary blindness of his eye against him. Like lightning she moved, and again she changed direction, using a tree’s trunk to propel herself back in the male’s direction. Her jaws sought his shoulder and his throat. If she was fast enough, the momentum of her own light body would allow her to swing upon his back to satisfy her jaw’s hunger for his life. But, if he was quick enough, she would fall beneath him and be at the mercy of his jaws. And such was the struggle of the ‘little person’, whose struggle balanced precariously on a blade’s tip.


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