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Geneva kept her mouth clamped shut to keep her from saying anything else that would set Savina off. She hadn't expected the woman to be cold at her passing. She knew that her friend loved her and felt as deeply about her as she did. Still, it was almost too much to hear the tears in her voice. She felt that she was coming undone all over again, but held those emotions close to her chest. She couldn't allowed them to run free with her. She'd fall apart then and there, and all her resolve would mean nothing.

She sniffed a little. "I will be around, a lot," she said, trying to smile. "You'll get so sick of me. You'll wonder if I really left at all." She was trying to lighten the mood, trying to ease the sadness for Savina, and for herself.

She had thought long and hard over this choice, and had decided it was the right one. But it had never struck her until now that it wasn't just Anu she was leaving. It was Savina with her dancing jewel eyes, Kansas with his quiet contemplation, the sound of Jazper's music in the library, and everyone else she had met along the way. It arrested her breath for a moment, caging it inside her chest as she considered the impact of this choice.

True to her word, she'd come around often, for as long as she was welcome to. But now she'd miss those moments as Haven and Mati grew up, mornings when Savina would be restless with her pregnancy and would want to talk, quiet days when one of her pack mates would stumble across her in the kitchen and strike up conversation. She had never stopped to acknowledge all that she would have to leave behind, and it was almost staggering to think of it.

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