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A half smile took hold of his jaw. It seemed as though this young girl's peace and serenity was contagious. He no longer felt a fight raging inside of him, waiting to burst out and take hold of whichever poor creature got in his way. There was something very special about this child. Lannen loved all children, happy to be around their innocent and unique presence. But there was something truly unique about this girl, a quality he couldn't quite put a name to.

He laughed when she batted at his snout, snuffing at her playfully, cold condensation curling from his nostrils as he did so. He nudged her once again, half a challenge for her to bat at his face once more. He winked at her, and noticed where the sun's position was in the sky as it broke for a moment from between the clouds.

"I think it is time for me to go," he said, straightening and shaking his pelt a little where wetness had settled between his shoulder blades. He looked back down at the purple-eyed girl. "I hope you don't mind if I visit."

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