As the ridiculous world went by
In some ways, Tamerlane was not interested unduly. After all, the friendly but damaged female was an utter stranger to him, he hadn’t met her mother and he wasn’t all that close to her mate. It was natural to not throw himself head-long into concern. On the other hand, he was naturally interested in the well-being of what seemed like innocent, warm-hearted people like Dierdre. What was more, the fact that she was sharing with him things that were important to her motivated him to remain politely interested and helpful; it was not his place to act like the type that was not inclined to lend a listening ear.

As the young female sat down, Tamerlane matched physical nonchalance by leaning against a gnarled tree, folding his sinewy arms and gazing down at her. If she hurt you when she ran out on you at a time in which you needed her most, it doesn’t make sense to reverse the situation now, and consciously impart on your own mother a hurt that you’ve felt yourself.

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