just a stone in the path
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... table2.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

She was definitely like some sort of mosquito. Not only did they pester you with their noise and sheer existence, but if you didn't kill it right off, it would continue to come after you. Gaël's patience was undeniably being tested little by little, but thankfully enough, he'd somehow developed enough patience so far that her unwanted companionship was nothing especially new to him and was thus treated rather calmly. He definitely didn't need an ugly little thing following him around, especially if his quest was to end rather abruptly with all the answers he needed... which, in a general sense, could literally happen any given minute. He didn't know when he was going to finally find what he was looking for... it could be anytime, and he didn't need a little rat princess asking him a thousand questions about it.

He stopped, sighed, and turned halfway to look disapprovingly at her. He scowled somewhere, brows furrowed and turquoise eyes stirred, but the boy was hardly angry enough to frighten the child off. What a shameful thing to do, intimidate strangers to the point of fear by a simple glare or a few silly scars that could easily be overemphasized. He'd seen it before, in more place than one. "You want me to eat your head? Yes?" He frowned. "Okay, I lied. Dere is someone in de well; you go and save dem before dey drown. A'ite?" That said, he turned and continued away.


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