just a stone in the path
ooc- love the skeeto?

A little spark of excitement seemed to shimmer in the little girl's eyes when she realized that the male actually had listened to her.. sortof. She stopped in her tracks when he turned and looked at her. She knew that look, she'd seen it before but it didn't worry her like it should, what was he gonna do, pick her up and take her back home. She'd just plan her next escape and continue on with the misadventures of childhood. Her little ribbon wrapped tail wagged happily when he was silent a second as she got back up on her paws and took another few steps in his direction.

The words though that flowed out of his maw made the small girl just stop and stare, her eyes the size of saucers as she asked, "Why would you want to eat my head, Mister?" The clan hadn't exactly warned her of how grouchy strangers could be and the dangers that were associated with them, perhaps sooner than later would be a good time to start the child in on lessons of life. It seemed the male wasn't done though as he rambled on again and she just huffed and shook her head at him before letting of a little series of tut-tuts as she pranced closer to him, as though a dimwitted mouse playing underfoot of a plump pussycat. "How cans I save them. I am tiny, you on the otherhand.. could? A'ite?" she said, assuming the word couldn't be bad as she mocked his words, she rather liked the word he'd thrown at her, too bad the sassy brat was a clueless little irritation and though small was still large enough to be a terror all her own.

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