shut up you're talking too loud

     It had been the scent which drew the Aquila west. The sickly-sweet smell of dying flowers and rotting flesh; the smell of sickness, of disease, of the unmentionable and unnamable thing that had destroyed a pack, destroyed his father completely (though he believed that his father would have destroyed himself regardless). Something with the scent of disease was here, and he knew all too swiftly what that meant. His half-brother was not, as he had suspected, long dead and gone.
     Head low to the ground, he traveled along the rocky shore swiftly. Both ears swiveled forward at the sound of motion and he lifted his head. Squatted on the shore was a dark-coated man he would have recognized regardless of how warped the disease had made him. Twin scents of blood and illness warped over Samael’s own, and it perturbed the older man to find his half-brother in such a state. Something was terribly wrong with him; he knew that in an instant. Wary, but unafraid, the doggish male stopped and studied the coyote.
     “Samael,” a baritone voice said, remarkably detatched from its source.


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