I see you; you see me. Differently.
I really like your new table Big Grin and are we playing that Nani already knows she's pregnant?

Savina opened her mouth in a wide yawn as she laid out on the porch of the manor. Throughout the winter she had almost never chosen the outdoors to the comfort and warmth inside, but it was warming and the fresh air would do her good. She was sprawled out on her side, wanting to keep the pressure off of her stomach. While she was probably still not even a moon into her pregnancy, the baby bump was already quite large. The fact that she was a naturally slender wolf didn't help in that either. No doubt when she was in her last weeks she would be quite the disproportionate sight.

The light clinking of glass made her head and ears perk up. Coal nose sniffed the air to see who was moving about. A wide smile came to her lips as she recognized it as the scent of Naniko. Carefully rolling back onto her feet she walked down to the ground and started in the direction of her dear friend. She really hadn't gotten to sit down and talk to Nani about all this. There were questions she wanted to ask. Her friend's experience would do much to ease her worries. As she caught the sight of the bright snowy wolfess her tail wagged. "Nani! Wait for me!" Savina couldn't move as fast as usual, so catching up could be a troublesome task.


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