Simple Design

No pack for me. I live just over there in that blue house.
Her head nodded in the general direction and she smiled thinking about the little house and it's loads of oddities tucked away inside. I originally came from a pack a few months travel south of her. There was some troubles, and the pack began to split. Keeping it easy, her explanation made her laugh inside. The truth was easy to forget at times, but in all honesty it came back with a vengeance in her head. The entire situation was just wrong for any wolf to be in. It's how she became more human, how she inherited the disease from the attack. She preferred her small, slender form over the larger human-like change. She felt exposed that way, even more so than normal here. Thinking back on it, she didn't really know why it felt that way other than it was different. Maybe it was the idea that her belly was always exposed, vulnerable to attack and mutilation.

She didn't really like living alone though. The way he spoke of his pack was like night and day compared to her old one. Inside her she longed for the company, but knew at that moment in time, traveling to a pack in her condition would prove to be a bad choice for the pack. She didn't want to be kicked out again. She felt like she needed help before that decision could be made. In the mean time, it meant living on her own in the little blue house with no one there to truly guide her, leaving herself to those destructive thoughts she had. Her nearly red eyes gazed back on her black furred companion and she grinned, I would prefer living in a pack, but right now isn't the time.

The zoo pack wasn't pleasant though the area was. Filled with remnants of humans and close to a vast area of wooded area, her old home was tainted only by the wolves living there. The old zoo provided functionality, dens, and a diplomatic approach to other species, thought that changed when the new alphas of her pack moved it. She rather think about the landscapes than anything else. The small units that housed animals long ago remained the same or converted more toward nature in their neglect. You ever heard of a zoo?

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