turn off your mind, relax and float downstream

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Alexey couldn’t take her eyes away from the youngster, quite taken in by his obvious fascination for shifting. She did not remember feeling proud or particularly overjoyed when she’d first shifted. The tawny femme wasn’t a born with Luperci genes, and thus was never meant to become one in the first place. The shock that came with the sudden change of her body was beyond imagination. It was not until much later, after she’d thought things through that Lexey realized where she’d picked up the ability to walk on two legs. She did not immediately embrace such an opportunity, seeing it more like a curse than anything else. But now that the Dahlian lady was getting the hang of it, she was finally starting to accept the whole thing.

Something about this little guy lightened her mood. Maybe because he reminded her that being a luperci wasn’t so bad. She needed to know that more than ever; especially since her last argument with Adelaida. When the young man apologized for being distracted, she allowed a light-hearted chuckle to escape her lips. “No need to apologize. You’re handling it like a champ from what I can see,” she said, tilting her head to examine him a little better. Alexey did not consider shifted wolves to be good-looking, but this boy had particularly nice features. He would grow up to be a handsome man, no doubt about it.

“Getting used to walking on two legs was the biggest challenge for me,” she explained, moving a little closer so that he could hold on to her if need be. “Try it,” Lexey then nudged his arm with the tip of her nose, urging him to give it a try. If he didn’t get the hang of it now, his return home would be quite difficult. “I’m Alexey,” she stated amiably, waiting patiently for the boy to take his first steps in Optime form.


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