The Footing is Treacherous Here
539. Alright! :3

I'm not for you, you're not for me;
I'll kill you first, you wait and see

He could hear them now. Their faces, charred with dust, dirt, debris, shrapnel, scarred with anger and revulsion. He could hear their voices. A woman’s voice, now, speaking – eyes sad and distorted from what she had seen – recounting it all while everyone watched, silently. The hate in my heart now is too big to describe to you. I never thought I was capable of hating so much but, day after day, the anger increases. And it did. Day after day, the bloodshed continued, the broken bones and broken hearts added up, counting, counting (always counting) until – now. There was nothing. It was gone. But the hatred remained. A civilization long gone, people long since deceased, but Hybrid could still hold their hatred true in his heart, for he found the very essence of it addictive. It was better than any kind of drug his mother had ever required – his mother? When had he started thinking about her? – and more potent than any kind of pleasure he had ever experienced. It was beauty and gore in its purest form. And it tasted like nothing he had ever tasted before.

Their eyes were heavy now. They required neither hands nor limbs to pull him down, just their eyes, and their gaze. The gazes of people he had never met, of a race of creatures believed to be extinct. But they remained. In the dark recesses of his mind existed a hatred unknown to him. Hybrid always did love a good mystery.

He could feel their weight now, their sheer mass dragging at him. He felt his claws swipe at their being, scratching them, ever so slightly. Merciful. He felt fur give way to skin, cutting rivulets into the looming creature’s flank and shoulder. Mere beauty marks. Because he was so merciful. But his mercy was not well-rewarded. He felt something, a tickling sensation, a burning feeling, of blood seeping from a wound – his wound – from his shoulder. And another, somewhere else – where? – that he had not noticed before. He felt a push against his chest, but did not give up the fight. He struggled madly, the memory of the woman painfully fresh in his mind. He lashed out, movements rapid and quick, striking sharp and recoiling quickly. She began to move toward him, but by the time her jaws were close enough to his neck, he was gone, moving away. Fleeting. Merciful.

He could not stop. He worked to pin her down, moving his head and guiding his jaws to her neck to rip out her throat. She began to lash out, striking Hybrid and momentarily blinding him. He felt her move away, and as she did so, he blindly struck out, trying to feel her with his other senses. He squinted, trying to prevent blood from seeping into his eyes, but his one eye had begun to swell. It was no matter. The bruise could be cut open soon enough and his vision healed, but for the time being, she had escaped and he could only see her out of the corner of his eye. He grinned, and then began to move, circling around her. He ducked, weaving around her, and then lunged, not prepared to let his prey escape.


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