
http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/5967/nalaxoneal7.png); background-attach:top center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color:#4F0B17;">

___The ground he was sitting on was soft and comfortable. He thought that maybe in the summer time it would be much more wet around these parts. It was strange though, in some parts the ground would completely freeze but it seemed that most of it had not, even with the cold snow sitting on top of it. Naloxone sighed, he was thinking too much again, and he took in another breath of smoke, letting it escape before hearing someone called out dad. At first he thought it might have been Toxic so his first reaction was to hide the bottle, but he realized it was not his sons voice, but the voice of someone, very much mistaken.

___"I'm sorry, you must have me mistaken with somebody else," his words were already heavily slurred, it was funny how easily the vodka had taken control of him after not drinking in so long. It had been months and his mind was already getting blurry along with his vision. Naloxone rose to his full height, stretching and looking at the boy. He was big for a coyote, lanky and lean, well muscled though. Naloxone seemed to resemble more of a wolf in his body and colouring, but his face always gave it away.

___"Naloxone Massacre, current resident of Inferni. Nice to meet'cha, boy," he spoke through the cigarette that was held firmly between his lips holding out his free hand. His red eyes looked the male over, he did not seem all too threatening. Naloxone drew in his scent around the smoke and could not place the pack. Well, it could have been the fact he did not know any other packs around these parts. He only knew there were a lot of wolves.


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