hallowed desires
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Jefferson supposed it was necessary, one way or another, that he have some sort of relationship with each of his pack members, however tense or unwilling it might be. He and Allegro had met rather inconveniently while the one-eyed brute was still a subleader and still excused from a majority of the duties he had to attend to now. Often, he was much too busy for common conversation--running this way and that with things to do, patrolling borders, or watching over Addison like the awful parent he was--but he had no excuse to run away from her now. Jefferson had simply been passing by; there was no reason to rush off.

Allegro seemed more at peace than their last meeting, but that might have been because his subleader self had scared her to the point of frustration and rebellion, in some way. Clearly he hadn't enjoyed it, and frankly, he was surprised she would acknowledge him at all (since he hadn't planned to do the same, other than a few gentle words to alert her of his passing presence). He stopped, considered this a moment, and turned to look at her, stale-faced as always. He supposed she was probably just being polite, considering he was now their pack leader... even though he'd never really wanted to be. "Oh, yes. How could I forget you?" His words were flooded with bubbling sarcasm, but yet not intended in a foul manner. His face did not break into a smile, but he nodded his head in a gentle greeting and excused himself from the dark and grim demeanor she'd been treated to previously. "You seem comfortable. Where's Pendzez, hmm?" The cyclops's brows raised; somehow leaders always seemed to find out things even as subtle or hidden as they were, but Jefferson's knowledge stemmed only from the looks the two lovebirds had sent each other during the meeting some time back. Reading behavior and body language was his forte; learning how to behave himself wasn't.


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