There is a time for everything
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Word count: 455

Mew chuckled again at Adelaida's response. Firefly did have enough power with her rank, in fact had Mew been the one to say the woman would never have gotten as far up as she was. The problem was, probably, that Firefly would never get enough power in her own opinion. It seemed she was a little too fond of bringing others down, and people with such characteristics should never be allowed to rule over others. Because in reality, firefly did rule, or at least attempted to so, in the most strict sense of the word - as if she was some queen. It wasn't right in any way. Yeah I agree. I hope she never gets further up though, I don't know what'd happen should she end up in a position where she would truly have power... Her words traced off as her face mirrored the worry Mew felt at that thought. The light-headed copper femme didn't just cast a darkness over their proud Sadira bloodline, she'd ruin this pack and the ones in it should she ever be the one at the reins. A gentle thought went to Cercelee, and Mew reminded herself that that was not how the things were, and they were blessed with a rosea whose opinions of justice seemed to mirror her own. It was a comforting thought.

Adelaida seemed to give the fact that her brother was the Lilium was her brother some thought, although Mew could not read her, could not guess what was going on in her head. She could be wondering why he was in such a high position as well, or why everyone in their family was of high rank, as if they held some sort of monopoly. That thought had struck Mew herself a few times - it seemed their name and blood could be found in many high positions around here. When the chocolate female spoke, however, she smiled and brought up a wholly different subject. Mew felt herself smile in response to the gesture by Adelaida, but also because her answer to the question would be a definite "yes". They will be my first! A quick thought went to the daughter Haku had mentioned, but he hadn't revealed whether she was even alive, and thus Mew considered her no family at all. She had been outcast by Haku, no? Something like that anyways. Green orbs glittered as Mew spoke again of the furballs-to-be. I really can't wait.. I've no children of my own so far, and no mate, so I'm in need of someone to spoil. One eye winked playfully at the female, expecting her to understand this need in a woman, to have some dependent creature to bestow one's love upon.

White table made by James!

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