Outside in the cold distance, A wild cat did growl
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v295/ ... oodles.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

There was a smell, that didn’t belong. Dark nose rose to the coming wind, taking it in and letting her mind ponder over it. Her tail wagged, as her curiosity rose. It was harsh, and as she realized what it might be her tail drooped. Violet eyes looked around, no longer curious but only confused. The invisible foe, the stranger had gained a smell and thus came to life.

He came at her, standing before her as if he had appeared out of the very shadow she was chasing. Sun hued eyes looked to her, though held none of the vibrancy the orb did. The young wolf took a step backward. Too brave to run, Mati stood what ground she could muster but the fu ralong her spine rose.

A weary growl escaped her chest, warning him that he didn’t belong.


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