Outside in the cold distance, A wild cat did growl
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The pain of her neck didn’t stop, not even when she was knocked out of the devils grasp. But before she could roll into the wet snow, she was scooped into large dark arms. The instinct driven move to flee brought her face to face with her rescuer. For a moment when she opened her eyes she thought it was the gaze of her attacker. Similar yellow eyes, but his night shaded coat and intense stare brought her to a different realization. Jazper stood holding her, his voice bringing her out from her daze. The tears fell onto her face, and the pain of her small wounds was more then she had ever felt.

the pup cried, still trying to regain her surroundings. She wished he would run, take her far from the beast that hoped for her death. Before she could desperately plea, something jostled her from his arms. The quake sent her into the snow, and purple eyes looked to see the monster larger then before. Gaining size and strength it attacked her protector. Frozen in fear Mati laid against the solid ground.


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