But there are so many deserving of retribution
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Name: Jet Onus

Meaning: Synonym for "Ink Blot"

Gender: Male

Age: 5 years

D.O.B.: March 21, 2004

Heritage: 100% Coyote

Fur: Typical coyote coloring of browns, blacks, and rusts. White starts at his chin and runs down his throat, chest, stomach, and tail. Always in optime form and almost always wearing a tan trench coat, brown fedora, and light scarf. He also smells overpoweringly over Old Spice.

Eyes: His eyes are completely black. However he always has a piece of cloth wrapped around them, so one is not able to see his eyes.

Tattoos: None

Piercings: None

Scars: Like any fighter, Onus has a fair amount of scars. Ones gained during his time at 'Souls include a large one at the left juncture of his neck and shoulder (Corvus), bite marks near that same scar (Corvus), and clawing on his forearms (Corvus).

Physique: As stated earlier, the only form Onus ever uses is optime. He stands at the larger end of the coyote scale of things. While almost always covered by his clothes, if one was to see him without his coat they would see that he is in incredibly good shape, his muscles well defined and no fat to be found.

Personality: Onus is a very reserved and stoic person. He does not willingly engage with others unless he believes they have information that he can find useful or they interest him. Even then when he does speak he speaks as minimally as possible in his rough and monotone voice. Emotions are not things that he troubles himself with, especially those on the positive scale which he hardly understands at all. The emotions he understands best are hatred and fear, which he harnesses to serve his purpose of vigilante justice.

Soul-Grade: Lawful Good

Likes: Fighting criminals, fulfilling his mission, justice

Dislikes: Criminals, rapists, murderers, those that blind themselves to the wrongs of the world, injustice

Strengths: Steadfastness, objectivity, physical prowess, agility, unique fighting style, adaptability

Weaknesness: Complete dedication to his cause, unemotional, anti-social (he would not view these as weaknesses, but others might)

Onus was the first and single child to a female coyote. He was a normal puppy, content with all the things that tend to attract such young minds. However that was not to last. His mother was scared of her son because of his pitch black eyes. Despite his normal behavior, she thought he was the spawn of the devil. Finally one day she steeled herself and viciously attacked her son, intent on killing him. She nearly succeeded, but a male coyote came upon the scene and chased her away. Jet was on the brink of death, but the male took the pup and tended to his wounds and took care of him until he was healed.

It was during his healing that the coyote took on his present demeanor. He completely retreated into himself and became almost mute. After he was fully healed he gave his savior a quick thanks and left, never to return. He had been living on the outskirts of an old city, but he moved to live more in the center of it. During those first few months he lead a quiet existence, keeping away from others as much as he could (for all were afraid of his appearance and many would even try to attack him) and only leaving his chosen home to hunt for food and gather books. It was on one of his book expeditions that he came upon an old, but still grand, courthouse. The statue that stood outside the building of a blindfolded lady holding a scale and sword intrigued him deeply. Going into the courthouse he gathered much information about the human judicial process. He began to understand that statue more and more and a sense of worth started to take hold in his chest.

One rainy night while looking at that statue was when his purpose came to him. The world was filled with injustice and there were no longer any to fight against it. He would work for the cause of justice. He would live for that cause and that alone. That night the coyote devoted himself to justice body and mind, taking a cloth to blindfold himself, just as lady justice was. Now people would see his actions, not his eyes. He would give the corrupt of the world good reason to fear him.

Love: Cwmfen nic Graine

Acquaintances: Anu, Mati Church, Arkham Lykoi, Corona Lykoi, Bane Kiles, Giggle Dracon, Barthelemy Aston

Suspects: Conri Church, Gabriel de le Poer

Enemies: Corvus Vendetta, Haku Soul, Samael Lykoi, Hybrid Holocaust

Fights: Samael Lykoi (undecided, marked), Haku Soul (won), Corvus Vendetta (lost), Corvus Vendetta (draw), Corvus Vendetta (won, killed)


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