too much dust on your soul
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OOC: I love how I arbitrarily decide which threads to reply to XDD Many tabs are to be had! 300+

She seemed so sweet, the way she blushed. Lubomir had initially thought that she would take offence at his way of speaking. Perhaps she did not think she deserved the compliment? There were such females about for sure, but he hoped she was not one of them. She was much younger than him, so perhaps she would be more understanding of him than some older girls. The way she giggled made him smile at here again, his warm, charming smile, the one that generally melted hearts and made people happy. He could not imagine what a wondrous creature as her was doing around alone and why males were not pursuing her. Perhaps he really had outdated images of love and courtship. Alexey. Her name rang nicely in his ears. "I am very glad to meet you, my lady Alexey. I am Lubomir, formerly of Shadowed Sun, now a proud member of Dahlia de Mai." It seemed rather redundant to introduce himself this way, but there you go.

Her curious look earned her another smile. He turned around himself, more out of a reflex than a need to confirm that indeed, the library was still there. He knew the work he would have to go back to, but for now he would enjoy some time in the sun and the company of a lovely packmate. "I've taken the unofficial role of Librarian. I'm trying to restore the place to its former glory." Lubomir laughed. "It sounds so pompous. I'm hoping to open the place out for the wolves of Dahlia come spring, but there is still a lot to do. The rain last night got in and I need to soak up all the water unless everyone wants to pick mould off their fur." He turned to look at her again, cocking his head to one side. "Do you read, lady Alexey?"


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