The Ides of March

cakeBy now, the dark wolf was beginning to understand the old city, beginning to see it through eyes that had a memory, with the familiarity and comfort of a lover. It was feeling more like a place to call home, this massive concrete graveyard he lived in. Some of the streets he knew by name, and those whose street signs were worn, faded away or torn down, he had named himself. It had been a lot of wandering, a lot of gathering, that had given him this knowledge, and he still followed the old paths he had made when he had first arrived, as well as finding new ones. It was partially the paranoia that kept him moving. One must be as familiar was possible with their surroundings.

cakeThe city's various hospitals and clinics were some of his favourite haunts. On his way to one of these that day, Bane caught the familiar scent of someone he had met some time ago. It also smelled of Inferni, which made the instinct rear its head in him like a hungry dragon. Without pause, he moved towards it, following her; he was a protective man, and the idea of a lady out on her own in a place like this didn't sit well with him. Not to mention he had told her, once, they would see each other again, and Bane was the type who kept his promises.

cakeThe school was fairly easy to navigate, despite the dark hallways that smelled of must, as did everything else in this city. It was something he was used to, by now. He found her soon enough, in a room full of mirrors. She was on two legs, looking older then she had when he had first met her, but not much bigger. Curly hair and a red dress that matched her eyes. Bane smiled as he moved forward, slowly, calmly. "Hello, Miss Siobhan," he told her with that genial smile. "Would you like some help with that?" It seemed as if she was having trouble zipping it up.


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