The Footing is Treacherous Here

cakeThe instinct gnawed at him sometimes, some days more than others. Some days Bane awoke with it heavy on his mind, reminding him of days past and of things to come, of the dying jackal with his words of the future. Other days it was distant, like the sun, like the stars. That day it came to him in a rush as he walked. The dark wolf held a paranoia deep within him; it had been a part of him for a long as he could remember, and it afforded him the presence of mind to observe every detail of his surroundings. He was alert like few were, as the dragon spoke to him from his chest, and he watched the world, blue eyes piercing as he moved.

cakeHe was half-shifted then, near bear-sized paws leaving tracks behind him in the snow that would soon melt. Bane held a curiosity about the world, about everything in it, and he breathed in as he walked. Something, something was in the air; he was nearing a body of water, and he could smell the cold as he walked. He could hear something too. The trees broke in front of him, revealing sky, and he saw there, in the distance, an injured black wolf and a coyote in his Secui form, very obviously in the middle of a scrap. He could smell the blood, thick, salty around him. He needn't look long to ascertain who was coming out on top; this came to him before he even realised who they were. The coyote was of Inferni, the wolf the marked blackbird he had known that night when the demons and dragons had waged war within his head. The fireworks were set off inside him, red, angry behind his eyes, and Bane understood then in the split second before he moved that, regardless of consequence, this was not to be permitted to happen. He understood that she could not be allowed to die, though he didn't understand why. It was enough.

cakeA snarl like the devil's own escaped him as he barrelled forwards, feet pounding against the snow as he moved forward, his entire mass -- bulky, broad-shouldered, black fur spiked in his fury -- aimed for the coyote who would dare attack what was his. He had no intent to kill. Regardless of the situation, this was one of Gabriel's men, and therefore must remain alive. But he would leave, and the lady would live. Somehow, this was imperative to his own very survival.


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