Sharks in the water
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The wolfess frowned at the wolf's obviously dismissive tone. He didn't offer her anything by way of information, other than the fact that he did not want her here and that he was possibly harboring secrets. What business did he having doing that at a pack's borders? She felt the fur bristling on the back of her neck, except this time it wasn't in fear. She felt the beginnings of a red wash of anger, which both startled her and agitated her further. She tried to swallow it down. She was of such a temperament that she had barely ever expressed anger outwardly before, instead transmuting it into creative energy or motivation for working in quiet diligence. But there didn't seem to be any way to express it differently this time, and truthfully, she did not know if she wanted to.

Lime green eyes narrowed, and feeling (stupidly) bold, the small-boned wolfess continued forward. The wolf before her was obviously dramatically larger, both in height and weight. But Geneva couldn't ignore an instinct that told her that this wolf was a threat, no matter what he had said before. Her mind flashed to Addison, and how easily she had stumbled into trouble. No doubt this male was trouble of some sort.

She didn't know if her fears were well founded, but she found that she didn't care. "If you aren't doing anything, you can easily go somewhere else," she said with an edge in her voice. Pairing her actions with her tone of voice, she persisted stubbornly forward, dangerously close to invading his space.

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