Surrender what you are,
OOC: WOOT excited!

Her scent was definitely getting stronger. It had taken the russet male weeks to track his younger sister down, but he was sure now that he was headed in the right direction. The forest was thick here, and Kol's scent, though faint, clung to the trees and rocks unmistakably. She'd known where she was going too, as the trail had never wavered in confusion or uncertainty, instead remaining nearly straight on as the male had followed it from the Valley.

The Stormbringer male made the journey now in his full luperci form, finding that it had been much easier to navigate the fire-ravaged previous territory when one had hands to grasp things for balance. The silver trinkets and colored beads clinging to his long mane shot beams of light around the area, an obvious signal to any curious person that he was there. Normally, when in unfamiliar territory, these glaring signs were removed from his pelt, for unfamiliar territory usually meant a scouting foray. But here past the ruined lands of the original Bleeding Souls he was scouting for something much different, and wished to let the inhabitants know that he was not sneaking around for some diabolical purpose.

The quiet peace of the forest was suddenly broken by a squeal of distress, and the male's ears shot up. Emerald eyes darted wildly for the source of the sound, finally coming to rest on the rather raggedy form of a female luperci. It was hard to tell what color she was under the mud, and the blood red male found himself hurrying over to make sure she was alright. He arrived just in time to hear the female's little curse at the offending tree which had apparently caused her tumble. He supressed the witty comment he would have made, opting to make sure the girl wasn't hurt before attempting to lighten the situation with any sort of humor. "Hey, are you ok? You didn't break anything did you? You came down pretty hard." A quick overview gave him the impression the stranger was unhurt, but you could never be positive.

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