fear will kill you if you don't control it

Completely lost in his book, Jasper continued to flip through page after page, reading and soaking up the fantasy as fast as his eyes and his mind would allow. King Arthur, Knights, battles, everything and anything to keep his attention and his eyes as wide as ever. It was as he was flipping through another page that the voice came. His eyes crept up, still halfway enamored in the book, and for a moment his eyes were cold. The dreaded Mordred had managed to sneak up on him while he was away from his round table of Knights. It was certainly a ploy to do away with him and take over. Of course, Jasper's little fantasy didn't last quite that long. He'd gone from the brave King Arthur to the princess in despair in less than a second.

"Corona said it was okay." He blurted out, though not quite as loudly as he might have had he not attempted to hold the fear in his voice back. That was, of course, him assuming that Corona had even told or asked Gabriel about him staying. "I've been staying out of the way." He assured the other male quietly, sadly. He hadn't done anything wrong, aside from existing, but he couldn't help feeling defensive whenever someone confronted him about being there. Wolves weren't supposed to be there, he knew, but didn't it make it okay if he was invited?

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