Don't tell the trees


secretly falling apart

There was a nice coyote in Inferni, one that had taken care of Empusa since she had arrived there. After her mother had been denied entrance to Inferni because of her wolf-ish looks, Empusa had slept by herself. Faolin had found her the next day, cold and halfway frozen to the ground, and had helped her out. Shown her about fire, and cooked food. She really was grateful for that...and she did love Faolin like a mother, but there were some things about Inferni that Empusa didn't understand or agree with...she wasn't sure if Faolin did, or didn't.

If something big happened between the wolves and coyote, Empusa wasn't sure what she would do. She might move then, if something made her choose between the two. But for now she was okay with going back there to sleep. She knew she was safe in Inferni, if nowhere else. It was just wolves that weren't safe there.

"You cannot come to visit me, but I can come here to see you" She said after a few moments, nodding. Now she understood. "I am glad that you all get along together. I don't know about how brothers and sisters act...I was born with a brother, I think...but I don't remember meeting him. There are sometimes fights in Inferni, mostly only when a wolf comes in. Sometimes we spar against each other, though--to test our strength. You do that here too, yes?"


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