She wants to be like the water

secretly falling apart

She was satisfied with just watching for now, to see what the beast would do; she wasn't expecting a huge, full-grown adult to come leaping out of the brush. What were the chances, that two of them would be watching the same animal? Empusa knew that she wasn't big enough to take down a deer all by herself, and she probably would never get big all that she did was continue to watch. Blood sprayed out in different directions and she suddenly felt a warmth on her forehead; some must have gotten onto her.

She was so entranced by the attack, watching the deer struggle for life, that she didn't notice it. Soon enough the attack was over, feet away from her, without her even having moved an inch. She wasn't surprised that she had not smelled Gabriel...she wasn't that good at telling scents apart she felt a little strange just sitting there. He would think that she hadn't wanted to help him bring the deer, down, surely. But really, she'd just been too shocked to move.

"Gabriel?" She hadn't had a real conversation with him since her acceptance, not by herself. The girl came slowly closer, aware that he was eating, keeping her distance but making sure that he knew who was speaking. Her tail curled beneath her belly and she kept low to the ground, laying a respectable distance away.


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