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Skoll had been moving a little slower the last few days, he had been more pensive, thinking less on the past, and more on the future. Phoenix had inadvertently stumbled into his thoughts, and that had opened the door to a conversation he had not planned on ever having. He had never had to discuss his history in depth with anyone before, and hadn't divulged everything to Phoenix. Even so, what ground they did cover had been translated directly from Skoll's mind into Phoenix's. He understood fully, which was something that no one else he would ever talk to could claim, at least not to the same degree.

The subject of their discussion rushing around in his head, he had decided to take a stroll through the Concrete Jungle. The place wasn't necessarily conducive to heavy thinking, but it was quiet, and sometimes that mattered more than anything. You were also usually guaranteed that you wouldn't be running into another wolf if you went there. When at first he smelled another canine, he was at first put off. He was deep in thought, and wondered if it wouldn't be better to ignore the scent altogether. When he smelled Inferni, he bristled, wondering if his jaunt was destined to become a fight. When a yet more familiar scent emerged from the first two, his reaction was reversed entirely.

Approaching the source of the smell, he loosened up, now certain who it was he was walking in on. Now with his new human-made pack at his hip, his old--now empty--deerskin satchel having been moved to his left side until he knew what to do with it, he rounded a corner, bringing Matrix into full view. She reminded him of her mother, though she had elements of Apache in her as well, especially when it came to her mind, that seemed to take joy in crafting, rather than killing, where her mother and Skoll himself thrived.

"Well, I take a harmless jaunt through the ruins and who do I stumble upon but the war-child. How have you been, Matrix?"

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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