Strangers now and strangers then

Out of Character

I have a very bad habit of forgetting about threads. x.x

Word Count: 318

In Character

As her new friend affirmed Kol's thoughts on her identity, the Stormbringer found herself finally stable enough to let go of her hold on the birch tree. She kept her smile, sighing as she caught the last of her breath, her heartbeat no longer pounding against her ribcage. "Yeah, I sort of left like a thief in the night after the war. Ironically enough, it was only to go fight in another war, one back in my homelands. I can say I'm definitely ready for a bit of peace and relaxation for awhile." Though she made light of it, the violence of the past year of the girl's life had taken it's toll. The Dahlian used to be a young thing with her head in the clouds, but the reality of war had made her come crashing down, the death of her brother Skripi becoming the chains to bind her to the ground for good. She was done with silly dreams of adventure and glory; the truth of war was far more horrifying and ugly.

Upon taking a moment to look over Haku's sister, Kol couldn't help but notice a slight difference in her. She hadn't known the female well before she'd gone on hiatus, but to her knowledge Mew had always seemed withdrawn, separate from the entirety of the pack and sort of in her own little world. Kol had wondered what had led the white woman to be that way, but the current Mew seemed a bit different. It was nothing the dark girl could put her finger on, but something about the Sadira's aura had started to change. She seemed a bit more..."at ease" was probably the best way to describe it. Things really had changed while Kol had been away, and she was curious to know what could begin to bring Mew out of the shell the Stormbringer had always pictured her in.

Table by Fishie!


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