baby you can drive my car.
Maserati's words confused him, though for the first time he was sure that she wasn't confusing him on purpose. He couldn't remember the number of times Pallok had talked in crazy circles meant to leave him completely bemused and unable to follow the other male's meaning. Often when it was an order being given or instructions on what Brennt was supposed to do. He had hated Pallok, but hadn't done anything back to him, he'd been good like his mother had taught him, until his rival (this being too generous a term...bully and victim might have described their relationship more accurately) had come to kill him for eating Hylfi's litter. That day he had gotten even with Pallok. He'd hurt Fern, as well, though he'd never hated her like he'd hated her mate.

Still...he didn't know if Maz was joking with him, leading him on, or something else. Food that makes one hungrier the more they eat? That makes them so happy they don't want to hunt anymore? That last part sounded scary, but he liked feeling happy, and anything that could make him that happy had to be worth a try. He tilted his head at her, his dull eyes searching hers trying to decipher whether or not she was being honest with him. Eventually, he decided she was being honest, and that she maybe even had this amazing snack with her. She carried a bag with her, after all. Brennt had seen those before, the population of Nowry Village had preferred human tools, abodes, and two legs above four.

"If we get prey, then we can eat the snack? he asked bluntly, like a dog might if it was hungering for a treat. Indeed, the more he thought about it, the more he wanted the food she had described earlier, but he was also hungry now, and she said it would make him even hungrier. They would need to hunt first, something with enough food that even if they got hungry again, they could have more still uneaten. He turned his head in the direction he had come from. There was some larger game outside of this place, game he hadn't been in the mood to hunt for before, after his fight with the wolves from the sandy beach. Once she affirmed, he thought, he'd go and bring down the food as fast as possible, though that might mean he didn't have any time for talking.

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